Mathematics is a branch of science Philosophy. Which is the mother of all sciences. Thus, the teaching of mathematics into one of the things that embed in the basic values of the basic science knowledge.
Learning mathematics is easy and fun, because behind that which we feel hard, mathematical miracle in the present calculation. There are a lot of fun in math calculation. Some of them can disimak in the description below ini.Yok, see together!
1. Multiplication with the number eleven. There is magic in multiplying a number with the number eleven. For example, we will multiply 63 to 11, then 63 x 11 is ....
6 3 x 11 = 6 (6 +3) 3 = 693
2431 x 11 =
2. . .4. . . 3. . . 1 = 2 (1 +4) (4 +3) (3 +1) 1
= 2 6 7 4 1
2. Pengkuadratan the end of the five. There is magic in mengkuadratkan end with a number five. You surely already know that 5 square = 5 × 5, so 5 = 25 square. How about the 25 square, 35 square, square, or 65? How ajaibnya is:
25 square = 2 x (2 +1) 25 = 6 ... 25
To mengkuadratkan 25, ambilah the first number, that is 2, and multiply the number itself that is, after adding 1, 3.
Write to the above results and save 25 behind him to get the correct results.
35 square x 3 = (3 +1) ... 25 = 12 25
To mengkuadratkan 35, ambilah the first number, 3, and multiply the number with itself, after adding 1, namely, 4.
Write to the above results and save 25 behind him to get the correct results.
65 square x 6 = (6 +1) = 25 ... 42 25
To mengkuadratkan 65, ambilah number first, yaitu6, and multiply the number with itself, after adding 1, namely, 7.
Write to the above results and save 25 behind him to get the correct results.
3. Difference between two square. When the two square diselisihkan, then how ajaibnya is the second number is added, multiplied by the second number is reduced. Eg you want to know the square of 25 - 24 square way ajaibnya is then:
25 square - square 24 = (25 +24) x (25-24)
= 49 x 1
= 49
4. Count to five. Divide or multiply the number by using the 5 can be made easier and faster if you recognize that the 5 memliki relationship with the number 10. If we want to multiply 46828 x 5 way ajaibnya all share is the number 2, and put behind him the numbers from 0 when the end of the 5 is multiplied by the number of the whole.
4 6 8 2 8 x 5 = ...
4:2 6:2 8:2 2:2 8:2 = 2 3 4 1 4 0
2 3 4 1 4
If we want to multiply 86849 x 5 way ajaibnya all share is the number 2, and put behind him when angka5 end multiplied by the number 5 is odd number.
8 6 8 4 9 x 5 = ...
8:2 6:2 8:2 4:2 9:2 = 4 3 4 2 4 5
4 3 4 2 4 remainder 1
5. Multiplying with the number 25. Multiplying a number with 25 can be made with how to share it with the number 4, when the right to stay out zero plus zero behind. Misala 28 x 25 then the result is 28 divided by 4 is 7, so 28 x 25 = 700. Another example 32 x 25 is 32 divided by 4 it results 8, so 32 x 25 is 800. When multiplied by the number 25 is divided by 4 remainder 1, then the results pembagiannya be 25, when the remaining 2 were given 50, when the remaining 75 were given 3. For example if the 33 x 25, 825 the results, because 33 divided by 4 is 8 remainder 1, so 32 x 25 = 825.
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