There may be among the colleagues who feel prustasi when the Edit HTML template code always fail due to the existence of the error message like this for example:
We can not save your template.
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again
More than one widget was found with id: HTML1. Widget IDs should be unique.
or who may be like this:
We can not save your template.
Please correct the error below, and submit your template again
More than one widget was found with id: Feed1. Widget IDs should be unique.
Error message is exactly the same, just different its just that id: HTML1 and Feed1. And itupun just an example only, ID may appear HTML2, HTML3, HTML4Feed2, Feed3, Feed4 ff. For those who have not yet know, may be confused or even feel like saying at the beginning of the feel prustasi to edit a code template own. Questions may appear that is what causes an error message can appear like the above before? if I can answer it may be like this: error messages appear in the template because there sobat two or more widgets with the same ID. Still confused? I give an example that does not dissolve in kebingungannya. Suppose in the template there is a buddy widget code like this:
dst, or may also
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =''type =' HTML '/>
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =' Free Download 'type =' HTML '/>
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =' Free Download 'type =' HTML '/>
In the example above there are two visible widget code with the same ID, namely HTML1
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =''type =' HTML '/>
When kejadiannya such as the above example, it can ensure that the comrade will never be able to change or edit the template code sobat there will always receive the error message. This often happens when comrade replace the old template with the new template. Sometimes the designer of the template to include some widget in the template buatannya. When the code in the template upload blogger, then the widget property comrade with the widget template designers are in a widget code with the same ID.
After knowing the cause of the error message as in terangkan above, must appear further question, namely how to resolve the issue? And my answer is roughly like this: when showing error "Widget IDs should be unique" how easy it is once comrade must change the ID error with the new ID is not in the code in the widget, in this case is the number of its distinguishing . Example: if the error message shown in mengusung ID: HTML1, the buddy must change with the ID of another, eg HTML30, HTML31, HTML32, or with a number of other important ID is not the same as the other widgets. Take the example widget code like this:
(note that the letter printed in red):
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =''type =' HTML '/>
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =' Free Download 'type =' HTML '/>
So the task of comrade just one change with its ID number is not available, eg ID HTML1 a change in the ID HTML15, eg, so the code like this:
HTML1 'locked =' false 'title =''type =' HTML '/>
HTML15 'locked =' false 'title =' Free Download 'type =' HTML '/>
If the ID already in widgetnya change, please try again templatenya save. I think there will be no more error messages that annoy earlier.
Happy trying!
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