Bank Soal Matematika

Problem for the elementary school level (primary school) is not always synonymous with simple. Sometimes we often find shoptalk SD of our own can not do. Then, what can we do as parents? Most simple step is to give our children lessons on learning through counseling or a private tutor. However, whether it is good enough?

As parents we certainly do not want to shame or residual materials obtained with our children. The period ahead, the material that we received first of course is very different from the material obtained at this time we are children. One way that you may be able to do is to find shoptalk as much as possible for our children, and we learned first, select the material or matter of the suit and then we give to our children. Well, here you can download shoptalk mathematics for primary materials relating to the corner, time, distance and speed. You want to try it? Please download your problem below.

Download Soal Latihan Kelas 5 Semester 1

Download Soal Latihan Ulangan Umum Kelas 5 Semester 2

Download Soal Paket 1 (Pengukuran sudut, waktu dan kecepatan)

Download Soal Paket 2 (soal kelas IV, V, VI)

Download Soal Paket 3 (Persiapan UAN bag. 1)

Download Soal Paket 4 (Persiapan UAN bag. 2)

Soal-soal Matematika SD, SMP dan SMA

Latihan Soal On-Line


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